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Query Balances

Learn how to query balances of IBC Cosmos Coins and ERC-20s on Evmos.

This guide will cover the following query methods:


Note: In this document, the command line is used to interact with endpoints. For dApp developers, using libraries such as cosmjs and evmosjs is recommended instead.

evmosd & Tendermint RPC

Upon installation and configuration of the Evmos Daemon, developers can query account balances using evmosd with the following CLI command:

$ evmosd query bank balances $EVMOSADDRESS --count-total=$COUNTTOTAL --height=$HEIGHT --output=$OUTPUT --node=$NODE
- amount: "1000000000000000000"
denom: aevmos
- amount: "100000"
denom: ibc/ED07A3391A112B175915CD8FAF43A2DA8E4790EDE12566649D0C2F97716B8518
next_key: null
total: "0"


  • $EVMOSADDRESS is the Evmos address with balances of interest (eg. evmos1...).
  • (optional) $COUNTTOTAL counts the total number of records in all balances to query for.
  • (optional) $HEIGHT is the specific height to query state at (can error if node is pruning state).
  • (optional) $OUTPUT is the output format (eg. text).
  • (optional if running local node) $NODE is the Tendermint RPC node information is requested from (eg.

Details of non-native currencies (ie. not aevmos) can be queried with the following CLI command:

$ evmosd query erc20 token-pair $DENOM --node=$NODE --height=$HEIGHT --output=$OUTPUT
contract_owner: OWNER_MODULE
denom: ibc/ED07A3391A112B175915CD8FAF43A2DA8E4790EDE12566649D0C2F97716B8518
enabled: true
erc20_address: 0xFA3C22C069B9556A4B2f7EcE1Ee3B467909f4864

where $DENOM is the denomination of the coin (eg. ibc/ED07A3391A1...).


Developers can query account balances of aevmos using the eth_getBalance JSON-RPC method in conjunction with curl:

# Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBalance","params":[`$ETHADDRESS`, `$BLOCK`],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" $NODE

# Result


  • $ETHADDRESS is the Etherum hex-address the balance is to be queried from. Note that Evmos addresses (those beginning with evmos1...) can be converted to Ethereum addresses using libraries such as evmosjs.
  • $BLOCK is the block number or block hash (eg. "0x0"). The reasoning for this parameter is due to EIP-1898.
  • (optional if running local node) $NODE is the JSON-RPC node information is requested from (e.g.

Developers can also query account balances of x/erc20-module registered coins using the eth_call JSON-RPC method in conjunction with curl:

# Request
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_call","params":[{"from":`SENDERCONTRACTADDRESS`, "to":`ERCCONTRACTADDRESS`, "data":`$DATA`}, `$BLOCK`],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" $NODE

# Result


  • $SENDERCONTRACTADDRESS is the Ethereum hex-address this smart contract call is sent from.
  • $ERCCONTRACTADDRESS is the Ethereum hex-address of the ERC-20 contract corresponding to the coin denomination being queried.
  • $DATA is the hash of the balanceof method signature and encoded parameters. balanceOf is a required method in every ERC-20 contract, and the encoded parameter is the address which is having its balance queried. For additional information, see the Ethereum Contract ABI.
  • $BLOCK is the block number or block hash (eg. "0x0"). The reasoning for this parameter is due to EIP-1898.
  • (optional if running local node) $NODE is the JSON-RPC node information is requested from (e.g.


Developers can use grpcurl with the AllBalances endpoint to query account balance by address for all denominations:

# Request
grpcurl $OUTPUT -d '{"address":`$EVMOSADDRESS`}' $NODE

# Result
"balances": [
"denom": "stake",
"amount": "1000000000"
"pagination": {
"total": "1"


  • $EVMOSADDRESS is the Evmos address with balances of interest (eg. "evmos1...").
  • $NODE is the Cosmos gRPC node information is requested from (eg.
  • (optional) $OUTPUT is the output format (eg. plaintext).

State can also be queried using gRPC within a Go program. The idea is to create a gRPC connection, then use the Protobuf-generated client code to query the gRPC server.

import (


sdk ""

func queryState() error {
myAddress, err := GetEvmosAddressFromBech32("evmos1...") // evmos address with balances of interest.
if err != nil {
return err

// Create a connection to the gRPC server.
grpcConn := grpc.Dial(
"", // your gRPC server address.
grpc.WithInsecure(), // the SDK doesn't support any transport security mechanism.
defer grpcConn.Close()

// This creates a gRPC client to query the x/bank service.
bankClient := banktypes.NewQueryClient(grpcConn)
bankRes, err := bankClient.AllBalances(
&banktypes.QueryAllBalancesRequest{Address: myAddress},
if err != nil {
return err

fmt.Println(bankRes.GetBalances()) // prints the account balances.

return nil

// evmosjs address converter.
func GetEvmosAddressFromBech32(address string) (string, error) {...}

Note: The following tools will be useful when using gRPC: