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Wallet Overview

Evmos network supports both Cosmos and ERC-20 coins. There are several wallets that work with the network. Some of these wallets support Ledger connectivity. Consult the table below for more information. We recommend Metamask and Keplr wallets. These two wallets also work with the Ledger. For more information about Ledger, proceed to here.

MetamaskMobile & Browsers. Supports ERC-20 tokens, but no Cosmos coins
KeplrMobile & Browsers. Supports Cosmos coins but ERC-20 support coming soon
WalletConnect v2Supported only on the Dashboard Assets
WalletConnect v1🟡Supported only on the Dashboard (excluding Assets). Deprecating soon.
LedgerDesktop & Mobile. Supported on Metamask, Keplr, and CLI
Trust WalletMobile & Browser
Leap WalletBrwoser
Coinbase WalletNot Supported
CosmostationSupported on Browswer and Mobile
CypherSupported on Mobile